56 year old male
A 56yr old male came to casuality with chief complaints of pain abdomen since 5 days polyuria since 5 days Dyspepsia since 2 days History of present illness: patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 days back,then he developed pain in the abdomen (Epigastric region) non radiating,not associated with nausea,vomitings(burning type of pain) decreased on using medication H/o alcohol binge 5 days back,then developed pain abdomen ( diffuse type, squeezinf type of pain) not associated with nausea,vomitings) went to a local RMP and diagonsed with Diabetes mellitus (DE NOVO) and was started on (T.GLIBENCLAMIDE and METFORMIN)/PO/OD No H/O burning micturition,fever,cough,cold,SOB,tingling sensation of B/L UL and LL,loose stools and chest pain Past History : H/O simliar complaints in the past diagnosed as pancreatitis not a K/c/o DM,HTN k/c/o Alcoholic since 30 yrs last intake (3-5 days back) he is a smoker ( stopped 8 years back ) Pers...